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Environmental ecosystems are generators of knowledge, personal recreation and sources of experiences that have developed in society the great privilege of contacting and sharing with other types of custom in unusual places.

The objective of this research is to implement digital marketing strategies for the development of ecotourism and in this way, promote the conservation of environmental ecosystems based on social, economic, cultural and environmental elements in the village of the Manantial, rural area of Florencia, department of Caquetá. The digital era in which the world is emerging today, is the bridge of visibility to what happens in the remote places of the city, so it seeks to make use of ICT, in this case Virtual Reality (RV) to potentiate ecotourism with an environmental awareness in the territory of the Manantial; likewise, allow people interested in this type of tourism to enter an immersive world through technologies that provide relevant and necessary information to encourage tourism participation and visit to the natural territory.

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