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In the last three decades Michel Lussault has dedicated his academic life around the understanding of the social space, the way in which such spaces are produced, as well as in the understanding of those external elements that operate as forces (natural and anthropic) that are dynamic of their production and configuration. The author presents this book as a renewed contribution to the various forms of knowledge indicating the relevance of what it means to be and to be in the world under the geographical characteristics and attributes of the social space.

Aguirre, M. A. (2020). MICHEL LUSSAULT, 2015. EL HOMBRE ESPACIAL. LA CONSTRUCCIÓN DEL ESPACIO HUMANO. Primera edición en español por Amorrortu Editores, Buenos Aíres, p. 346 ISBN 978 950 518 260 2. Entorno Geográfico, (19).


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