A pair of satrapies in the Caribbean. Dominican-Venezuelan authoritarianism at El Tiempo´'s political caricature, 1958-1960
Main Article Content
Referring to the final moments of both dictatorships of Marcos Pérez Jiménez in Venezuela, and Rafael Leonidas Trujillo in the Dominican Republic, this article unveils the characterizations awarded to those regimes since the Colombian political caricature. It examines how such representations affected the Colombian scenario of the beginnings of the Frente Nacional. The cartoons analyzed were published in the newspaper El Tiempo, and created by two of the country's leading cartoonists: Aldor and Chapete. His works allow us to appreciate the notions of criminality, repression and instability linked with Latin American authoritarianism before the newly democratic regime in Colombia.
Fuentes primarias
Publicaciones periódicas
El Tiempo, Bogotá, Diciembre (1957), Enero (1958)
El Tiempo, Bogotá, Abril - Octubre. (1960)
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