Lexical and grammatical motivations of split transitivity in Wayuu
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The Wayuu language has been considered with attention by typologists because of the argument structure of its intransitive and transitive constructions. Indeed, there are two distinct types of argument marking motivated by parameters of definiteness and pragmatics. In this paper, we aim to show that the distribution between the two types of argument marking within transitive clauses is also motivated by lexical and grammatical parameters, more precisely, Aktionsart, modality and aspect. To demonstrate this hypothesis, we present in the first part our terminology and the state of art corresponding to the phenomenon, with a focus on modality, insubordination and finitization within the Arawak family. In a second part, we show our own results compared with other authors’ data for grammatical factors. In a third part, we present the lexical factor. We rest on firsthand data – elicitation and semi-directive exercises – and secondhand data.
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Accepted 2023-03-15
Published 2023-07-31
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