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Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is an international effort based on the social participation of actors in the educational process. This is why, ESD has permeated the pedagogical and didactic aspects of educational models and programs. This study examines the relevance of incorporating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) developed by the United Nations in a Spanish for Specific Purposes (ESP) program at level B2-C1, aimed at the diplomatic corps of a G20 country studying in Colombia. The action research methodology was applied, using surveys, interviews, journals and pedagogical intervention as collection tools, and quantitative and qualitative analysis. The findings highlight the challenges and advantages of integrating the SDGs into syllabus, such as cross-curricular content, social responsibility, and environmental linkages. The implications point out the adaptation of pedagogical practices and the design of resources with a multi, inter and transdisciplinary approach.

Juliana Patricia Llanes Sánchez, Universidad de la Sabana, Chía, Cundinamarca, Colombia

Summa Cum Laude Doctor in Language Pedagogy from the Eötvos Loránd University of Budapest. She is a French and Spanish teacher and coordinator of third languages at the International Center for Foreign Languages and Cultures of Universidad de La Sabana. Her research interests and academic publications are related to cultural competence, interculturality, multilingualism, education for sustainable development, collaborative learning, flipped classroom and innovation in materials design.

Bibiana María Zapata Prieto, Universidad de la Sabana, Chía, Cundinamarca, Colombia

Degree in Philology and Languages, Master's Degree in Applied Linguistics and in Teacher Training in the teaching of ELE. Professor and academic coordinator of ELE at La Sabana. She is the national co-coordinator of EnRedELE. Main research interests: teaching materials (ICC grant in 2019), interculturality, EFE and inter-institutional work.

María Alejandra Velasco Velandia, Universidad de la Sabana, Chía, Cundinamarca, Colombia

Master's Degree in Linguistics Applied to the Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE) from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and Bachelor's Degree in Spanish and English from Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Her main research interests are literature, ELE classroom diplomacy and evaluation. She is currently a Spanish teacher and e-learning content developer at Universidad de la Sabana.

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Received 2024-02-15
Accepted 2024-09-17
Published 2024-10-31

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