How do some students of Foreign Languages teaching program perceive the cultural formation?
Integral formation Culture Cultural formation Teaching and learning of foreign languages
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In this paper, the results of a qualitative research realized to analyze the concepts of cultural formation of students from the Foreign Languages Teaching program at Universidad of Antioquia are presented. A questionnaire was administered to a sample of 21 students from 4th, 5th and 6th semesters in 2010. The analysis of the answers permitted the conclusion that for students cultural formation is dialectically articulated to integral formation, benefiting the students’ personality, particularly in cognitive function, attitudinal aspects, and values. Student answers also offer the didactic possibilities for cultural formation from content, activities and support materials.
Díaz, A. E., & Quiroz Posada, R. E. (2012). How do some students of Foreign Languages teaching program perceive the cultural formation?. Lenguaje, 40(1), 17–40.
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Received 2017-07-20
Accepted 2017-07-20
Published 2012-06-30
Accepted 2017-07-20
Published 2012-06-30