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The current study reports the results of a research that analyzed texts used in the linguistic foundation of undergraduate students. Texts from the structuralist, generative and enunciative (discursive) paradigms were analyzed. An analysis matrix that records information in three dimensions was designed. These dimensions included the semantic, rhetorical-explanatory, and cognitive. It was established that texts preferably contain explanatory sequences and, within them, more attention is devoted to solving the problem of study. The most frequent discursive strategy is the assertion, followed by the exemplification and the author's quotation. Regarding the cognitive reference, in structuralist and generativist texts there is a balance between the symbolist and the experientialist reference; while in those of the enunciative (discursive) paradigm, the symbolic reference is preferred. The proposal provides starting points to characterize this type of texts and examine the impact of its properties on the processes of reading comprehension.

Viviana Mahecha Mahecha, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Profesora asociada al Departamento de Lenguas, Doctora en Traducción y Ciencias del Lenguaje. Pertenece al Grupo de Investigación en Pedagogía, Lenguaje y Comunicación (GIPELEC). Sus áreas de docencia e investigación son la lingüística, la lexicografía, la psicolingüística y el discurso.

Pedro Augusto Álvarez Bermúdez, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Profesor asistente del Departamento de Lenguas, Magíster en Lingüística. Pertenece al GIPELEC. Sus áreas de docencia e investigación son la lingüística, la lexicografía, la sociolingüística y el discurso.

Geral Mateus Ferro, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Profesor titular del Departamento de Lenguas. Doctor en Comprensión del discurso, Procesos cognitivos y aplicaciones instruccionales. Pertenece al GIPELEC.

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Received 2021-07-07
Accepted 2021-11-08
Published 2022-01-18

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