Reflections on the dichotomy of good and bad taste in postmodern society
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This paper deals with the proliferation of the new characteristics of aesthetic taste and the transformations of good and bad taste resulting from the factors that have produced the most changes in the issue of taste in postmodern society: aesthetic economy as a deregulation of the distinctions between the economic and the aesthetic; the world of current art (definition, destatization and kitsch art); mass culture and mass bad taste. These new scenarios in the postmodern era serve to reflect on the dichotomy of good and bad taste which, in turn, is part of the broader issue of aesthetic judgment (the judgment of taste) and its evolution: How has the distinction between good and bad taste changed under these factors? Has this dichotomy been overcome, running out of foundation, or is it still relevant? Does the dynamics of good and bad taste take on a new meaning, considering the inevitable diversity of tastes and postmodern aesthetic-artistic qualities?
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