Systematization of an experience in implementing the podcast format as a research tool
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As part of the Los investigadores y el cine project, a film analysis podcast has been generated available on the Ivoox platform with the title Conversaciones sobre cine y sociedad. The podcast was in production between 2018 and 2023 with a total of 91 broadcasts made during this period. This article summarizes the systematization of the experience. Methodologically is explained how a podcast can be used as a research tool to problematize the relationship that exists between cultural and/or artistic manifestations with the research, teaching and extension processes that are developed. in the Film and Television program at the Manuela Beltrán University (UMB). Analyzing the experience of producing the podcast, as well as the characteristics of each of the conversations, it is possible to perceive a tendency towards the revision of american material, drama, produced by men and dealing with topics related to current political events.
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