Information For Authors

Would you like to publish in our journal? We recommend reviewing the Journal's About page to consult the journal section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines.

If you wish to register or submit a manuscript to this journal, please request the creation of a user as an author by sending your basic information: names, surnames, affiliation, notification email, and ORCID to the journal's contact email: If you are already registered, you can simply log in and start the five-step process.

For Authors

Three requirements define the authorship condition according to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Guide of 2001: significant and substantial contributions to the conception, design, acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of data; drafting the article or significant critical review of its intellectual content; or substantial participation in the approval of the final version to be published (ICMJE, 2014). This guide also states that funding research, overseeing the research group in general, or participating in data collection does not automatically define authorship. Taking into account the above and addressing some of COPE's recommendations in this regard, the Nexus journal suggests the following guidelines for authors:


1. Ensure and clarify authorship with your team. Before submitting your manuscript to the journal, make sure that those who have contributed directly or indirectly to the research behind your article understand the type of contribution they will have in the manuscript. Misunderstandings and unclear communication in this regard can lead to bitter disputes that can be avoided by clarifying credits within the publication beforehand. Authorship is indicated in the article header. Acknowledgments, references to support staff, specialized technical personnel, contributors, and funding sources, when deemed necessary, are included in the final note.


2. Clearly define authors in the manuscript. Write under the author's name their title and institutional affiliation (e.g., Carlos Patiño Millán, School of Social Communication, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia), and not the role they played in the research (Director of Literature and Contemporaneity Research Project). Do not include people who played a non-authorial role in the research and manuscript creation: typists, funders, style correctors. If you have doubts about authorship, consult the COPE website or review the regulations and policies on authorship available at your institution.


3. Include email correspondence address. Include for each author the email address to maintain eventual communication and correspondence with readers and those interested in your manuscript and academic work. The use of institutional email addresses is recommended. Exceptionally, personal email addresses.


4. Responsibilities of Author(s), Editors, and Reviewers, and conflict of interest. It is essential to avoid betraying the trust of readers in a publication and the credit in its authors, editors, and reviewers. To do this, it is essential to achieve the highest possible level of transparency and reliability in all phases of the manuscript public communication process. A powerful factor of fraud and corruption in scientific and academic production originates from various types of conflicts of interest. The ICMJE invites attention to real, perceived, and potential conflicts of interest. Any situation that interferes and alters the judgment of authors, reviewers, and editors regarding data, arguments, analysis, selection, and evaluation of studies, and affects or erodes the communication of results, findings, and knowledge of public relevance solely to pursue private and personal benefits can be considered a conflict of interest. Authors, editors, and reviewers should avoid any formal or surreptitious agreements with entities and individuals that may interfere for financial, political, ideological, or institutional reasons with the public communication of their studies and results. Similarly, personal rivalries and animosity unrelated to healthy competition in scientific research and academic life. When authors, editors, and reviewers find serious indications of conflict of interest, they must make it clear, and the Nexus journal staff will proceed to raise the necessary inquiries to determine the steps to be taken, including, among others, the possibility of requesting involved editors to abstain from the editing process (editors), reviewers to refrain from evaluating, or authors to withdraw the manuscript.


5. When submitting a manuscript to the Nexus journal, the author must register the Conflict of Interest Declaration Form.


6. Guarantees of originality, genuine and careful data, and prohibition of all forms of plagiarism. Authors of manuscripts submitted to the Nexus journal ensure the originality of the work they submit. This means that the work has not been previously published and does not contain parts of other authors or fragments of works published by the authors that are not rigorously and formally cited in the manuscript. The editorial system of Universidad del Valle has technical procedures to verify and control plagiarism and inappropriate citations. In addition to ensuring the originality of the manuscript, authors confirm the truthfulness of the data, records, testimonies, and empirical material considered in the manuscripts. It is recommended to keep files and empirical evidence for at least two years after the publication of the manuscripts for the purpose of advancing verification processes if required.


7. Rigor in writing and citing sources, organization of data, tables, figures, and references. It is expected that each manuscript submitted to the Nexus journal considers clean writing, complete and adequate citation of sources, optimal numbering and organization of tables and figures, and an exhaustive list of references.


8. Contributing to the proper development of the editorial process. Once the manuscript is accepted, a continuous exchange and communication between editors and authors usually take place to make adjustments and improvements to the document before its publication. When an author identifies errors and inaccuracies in the manuscript, it is expected that they inform the editors promptly and provide the required information to make the necessary corrections. Updating data and literature, promptly examining editors' and reviewers' recommendations, addressing inquiries related to the manuscript or conflicts of interest, and addressing relevant observations about the document are part of the authors' responsibilities.


9. Nexus does not charge authors any fees for the review and publication of their works.


As part of the submission process, Authors must ensure that their submission meets all of the elements shown below. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will be returned to Authors.

  •  Texts must be submitted in Word format, using Times New Roman font, size 12, with a line spacing of 1.5. The manuscript must include the title, abstract (no more than 150 words), and keywords (maximum of four) in both Spanish and English. There is no word or page limit for manuscripts submitted to the call.
  • Texts must be preceded by a cover page containing the following information: author's name, institutional affiliation, position, email, academic titles, a brief profile describing their interests and related areas, and, when applicable, the title of the research underlying the text or section describing the origin of the article.
  • Authors must include their ORCID code within each article. If they do not have one, they can register on the platform: to obtain it.
  • The structure of the articles must follow APA citation standards (7th edition).
  • Whenever possible, URLs for references should be provided.
  • All illustrations, figures, and tables should be placed in appropriate places within the text, rather than at the end.
  • Notes should be placed at the end of the text.
  • The journal accepts articles of empirical and theoretical research using the IMRyD format, as well as evaluation, reflection, and systematization articles, interviews, translations, and reviews.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it under consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in the Author Guidelines, which appear in About the Journal.
  • The review of research articles will be conducted by expert evaluators, following the double-blind review process. The final decision on publication is made by the journal's editorial committee, based on criteria of quality, relevance, research rigor, conceptual and argumentative rigor, informative interest, and compliance with the rules expressed herein.
1The ICMJE advises researchers to keep raw data and analytical procedures that sustain their researches for at least 10 years (ICMJE, 2014).