The prose of the Portuguese royal court in the fifteenth century
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This paper is an analysis of one part of the Avis’ Dynasty prose, produced during the government of king D. Duarte (1412 – 1438) who
was the sponsor of it. This is a study about the relations among the civilizing nature of the speech contained on it, about the critical context of the traditional feudal society of XIV and XV centuries, and about the building process of the noble Portuguese state. We highlight its role as a peacemaker of behaviours in the field of a project which rearranges nobility’s world view, its relations with the production process of legitimacy of power established by the Avis’ revolution in 1383, and its importance in the construction of Portuguese national identity. It was presented during the Third International Symposium Jorge Isaacs “Gilberto Freyre and the Latin American Humanism” made at the Universidad del Valle on September of 2007.
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