Bolaño, the craftsman
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Roberto Bolaño's life was marked, also his great passion for literature, to diversity of jobs he developed as an immigrant in Europe to survive. Being laborer, who make a punctual trade for a long time, can help us understand why Bolaño could make such an abundant literary production. In this article we explore, through Richard Sennett raises about how a craftsman manages to perfect his trade, the way in which Bolaño conceived the writing and perfected his scriptural work.
Bolaño, Roberto. “Discurso de Caracas”. Entre paréntesis. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama, 2004. Impreso.
Roberto Bolaño. Los perros románticos. Barcelona: Editorial Lumen, 2000. Impreso.
Vila-Matas, Enrique. “Un plato fuerte de la China destruida”. Bolaño Salvaje. Ed. Edmundo Paz y Gustavo Faverón. Barcelona: Editorial Candaya, 2008. Impreso.
Sennett, Richard. El artesano. Trad. Marco Aurelio Galmarini. Barcelona: Anagrama, 2009. Impreso.