Information For Authors
If you want to register or apply to this journal to send a manuscript, please request the creation of a user as an author by sending your basic information: names, surnames, affiliation, notification email and ORCID to the contact email of Journal:
Do you want to publish in the magazine?
It is recommended to review the “About the journal” page to consult the section policies of the journal, as well as the Guidelines of the author. Authors must register on the platform before publishing or, if they are already registered, they can simply log in and start the five-step process.
Poligramas makes available a short manual for the correct use of the OJS platform (Open Journal Systems) to authors interested in publishing with us. Please, click on the following link and follow the instructions:
Guidelines for authors
Original papers, interviews, reviews, translations, free essays, stories, poems, short texts, etc. must be sent through the OJS system of Poligramas journal ( In case of any problem with the website, you can send the article by email to as an attached file in Word format, according to the following specifications:
- Papers should not have more than 10,000 words, including name, abstract, and bibliography cited in MLA.
- Reviews or critical studies of books should not have more than 2000 words. In addition, reviews should address recent publications.
- Translations should have the corresponding legal permission from the author and/or the publisher.
- The documents sent should be formatted for letter-size paper, using Times News Roman 12 font, 1.5 spacing, and comply with MLA guidelines.
Poligramas journal receives documents for the begining of the editorial process according to the arrival order of these.
Times of the editorial process
After acknowledging receipt, the document will initially be reviewed by the editor (in a maximum period of 4 weeks) to determine if the article complies with the basic requirements: appropriate theme for the Journal´s scope; compliance with citation guidelines; and plagiarism free record, which can be obtained using a software to detect possible plagiarism. Once having passed this first check, papers are sent for academic peer review by experts in the field. This step may require 4 to 8 weeks.
Note: if in the stipulated period of evaluator search the article has not yet begun that process, the author will be notified, the author will determine if the paper continues in the process with the journal for an additional week of evaluator search.
Arbitration process for articles
Articles for the journal Poligramas go through a double-blind arbitration process (whereby the reviewer and the author being evaluated do not know each other). The peer reviewer will use an evaluation format designed by the Journal´s editorial team, which is sent together with a copy of the paper in PDF format (without the author´s name) in addition to a formal peer review request. The reviewer will have a maximum of four weeks to turn in the corresponding review.
Upon receiving the evaluation, the editor will check the review and inform the author if his/her article has been approved, rejected or approved but requiring corrections specified in the evaluation letter.
Note: in as far as possible, two peer reviewers will be assigned to each paper; in case of differences in their evaluation, the paper would be sent to a third reviewer in order to arrive at a final decision.
Approved documents
The documents that are approved for publication will first go through a style correction, in which the consistency of citations with the bibliographic references will be reviewed, and vice versa. The authors will receive the corrected version of their article before it is published in the web version of the journal and sent to the press for printing.
About documents received
Original papers, interviews, reviews, translations, free essays, stories, poems, short texts, etc. must be sent through the OJS system of Poligramas journal ( In case of any problem with the website, you can send the article by email to as an attached file in Word format, according to the following specifications:
- Papers should not have more than 10,000 words, including name, abstract, and bibliography cited in MLA.
- Reviews or critical studies of books should not have more than 2000 words. In addition, reviews should address recent publications.
- Translations should have the corresponding legal permission from the author and/or the publisher.
- The documents sent should be formatted for letter-size paper, using Times News Roman 12 font, 1.5 spacing, and comply with MLA guidelines.
Both articles and reviews or critical studies of books must include in the heading:
- Title in Spanish and English (the title can not be more than 35 words)
- Author´s signature
- University or institution to which the author is related, followed by the city and the country.
- Analytical abstract in original language and English, with no more than 150 words. The abstract should have the keywords among those 150 words.
- Five key words in Spanish and English, separated by colons (;).
- If the paper or review includes tables, these will be typed using table function, or, if not available, using TABs, but not the SPACE BAR.
- Subtitles should be in italics, aligned on the left margin, separated by one space from the previous paragraph and should not be numbered
- Reviews must cite the work being reviewed, including: author, title, place published, publisher, year, number of pages.
- The author must have ORCID and must complete some basic information requested by the journal, such as: institutional affiliation, institutional email address, academic degree(s), research areas, relevant publications and postal institutional address, and H5 index of Google Scholar.
- The author must sign a letter proving the originality of the article he has sent to publication, and, in addition, that this is not involved in another publication.
Criteria for excluding papers:
- The subject matter does not correspond to the field of discipline of the Journal´s edition.
- The paper exceeds the established length.
- References and citations do not follow MLA guidelines.
- Documentation required is incomplete.
- The paper is not sent in the required format (Word).
MLA citations and references
MLA (Modern Language Association of America)
Since its edition number 44, June 2017, Poligramas has modified its citations and references style to comply with MLA guidelines.
The MLA style manual is a standard guide for publishing academic papers in the field of humanities, especially in languages and literature.
I. In-text or parenthetical citations
Before discussing specific examples of in-text or parenthetical citations, following are some general recommendations:
- Citations should always be included in the text and not as footnotes. Footnotes are used to make clarifications or further comments on the topic.
- If two or more authors have the same last name, provide both authors’ first (and even the authors' full names if different authors share initials) in your citation. Separate last name and initials by using a comma.
- If citing more than one work by a particular author, include a shortened title for the particular work from which you are quoting. Put short titles of books in italics and short titles of articles in quotation marks.
- Long citations (more than four lines) should be indented, in a separate paragraph, and do not require quotation marks.
- When citing a classical work, theatre play or poem include: number of act, scene, song, book, section and number of line or verse, instead of page number.
- Internet sources are cited using the author´s last name and the number of the paragraph (using the abbreviation “par.”)
I.I Direct quotations
I.I.I Author´s name in the text
… as stated by Bataille: “These white bones do not leave the survivors a prey to the slimy menace of disgust.” (41).
I.I.II Author´s name following the text
“Putting the leader to death is itself tragedy.” (Bataille 41).
I.I.III Long citation (more than four lines)
When somebody dies we, the survivors, expecting the life of that man now motionless beside us to go on, find that our expectation has suddenly come to nothing at all. A dead body cannot be called nothing at all, but that object, that corpse, is stamped straight off with the sign "nothing at all". For us survivors, the corpse and its threat of imminent decay is no answer to any expectation like the one we nourished while that now prostrate man was still alive; it is the answer to a fear. This object, then, is less than nothing and worse than nothing. (Bataille 41-42).
I.I.IV Incomplete citation
“The human sciences have developed from the sphere of practical life itself and have been cultivated through the requirements of professional training. … Their primary concepts and rules have for the most part been discovered in the exercise of actual social functions.” (Dilthey 126).
I.I.V Adding information to a citation
“The mediating construction I am about to propose deliberately bears the same title as docs this work as a whole: Time and Narrative. …. [and emphasizes] the present study will not take into consideration the fundamental bifurcation between historical and fictional narrative, which will give birth to the more technical studies of the succeeding parts of this work.” (Ricoeur 113).
I.I.VI Authors with the same last name
“Ancient tragedy provided the poet with a ritual framework, within which the language of enthusiasm could be staged as a mystical discourse from the perspective of its most catalyzing and anarchist implications.” (Rodríguez, M. 188).
“Aside from the theme of death itself and reflections on this issue and on human existence, war is also intimately related to another important aspect of existentialism: existential absurdity.” (Rodríguez, E. 210).
I.I.VII Work with unknown author
“But I want you to know, too, that even with all he got and all that he had, I′ve never seen a more greedy, miserly man.” (Lazarillo 61).
I.I.VIII Several works by the same author
“Aristotelian poetics, the poetics of Augustine, the poetics of the medieval church, of ‘the language of truth’, the Cartesian poetics of neoclassicism, the abstract grammatical universalism of Leibniz (the idea of a ‘universal grammar’).” (Bakhtin, Discourse in 11).
Various schools of thought in the philosophy of language, in linguistics and in stylistics have, in different periods (and always in close connection with the diverse concrete poetic and ideological styles of a given epoch], introduced into such concepts as ‘system of language,’ ‘monologic utterance,’ ‘the speaking individuum,’ various differing nuances of meaning, but their basic content remains unchanged. (Bakhtin, The Dialogic 33).
I.I.IX Classical work, theatre play or poem
“And with so much more of soul, / Must I have less liberty?” (Calderón de la Barca 1.1.161-62). In the previous example, the numbers indicate: Act 1, Scene 1 and lines 161-162.
I.I.X Text in Internet
No one can describe what happened then in the soul of Juan de la Paz. Something exploded inside in that precise moment, something horrible and barbaric, that made him stand up and start running, his arms and strained hands up in the air, while he uttered a dreadful howl–not so human, more the outcry of a beast wounded close to the heart. (Bosch, par. 17).
II. References
II.I. Book (non-recurrent publication)
García Márquez, Gabriel, 1927-2014. Chronicle of a Death Foretold. (G. Rabassa, Trans.). New York: Vintage International, 2003. Print.
Note: If the book has a subtitle, separate it from the title with a colon, unless the phrase ends in an exclamation or question mark, or a hyphen. Both title and subtitle should be in italics: Magic America: Myths and beliefs in times of the discovery of the New World. If citing two or more works by the same author, only include the name of the author in the first citation. For the following citations, replace the author´s name with three hyphens, indicating the author is the same as in the previous entry. Works are cited in alphabetical order by author.
Example: García-Márquez, Gabriel, 1927-2014. Chronicle of a Death Foretold. (G. Rabassa, Trans.). New York: Vintage International, 2003. Print.
- - -. Living to Tell the Tale (E. Grossman, Trans.). New York: Knopf, 2003. Print.
If the work has two or more authors, include all in the reference following the order in which they appear in the book cover; the first author, as in the previous case (last name/name) and the following author(s) the other way around (name/last name). Separate names with the conjunction “and”.
Examples: García-Márquez, Gabriel, and Mario Vargas-Llosa Rulfo, Juan, Gabriel García-Márquez, and Mario Vargas-Llosa II.II. E-books
Flaubert, Gustave. Madame Bovary. Madrid: Siruela. 2014. Digitalia Hispánica. Web. 19 Sep. 2016.
Note: Include name of web page, the fact that it is an electronic source (web) and the date accessed, as in the example.
II.III. Reference to a book chapter, poem or story
Todorov, Tzvetan. “Conquer”. The Conquest of America: The Question of the Other. (R. Howard Trans.). New York: HarperPerennial, 1992. 59-136. Print.
Note: Indicate page numbers of section consulted in the referenced work after all information on publisher and date, as indicated in the example: 59-136. These page number are separated by a hyphen; the abbreviation for pages (pag. or pp.) is omitted.
II. IV. Journal (periodical publication)
Tomasini Bassols, Alejandro. “The Later Wittgenstein's philosophy of mathematics”. Praxis Filosófica. 39 Dec. 2014: 11-40. Print.
- Enclose in quotation marks the title of the article–as is the case for encyclopedias, dictionaries or books.
- Use italics for the title of the journal.
- Provide the month, or month and year, if the journal is published once a month or every two months. Do not include the volume nor the theme, even if available.
- Month and year are followed by a colon and then the page numbers of the article being referenced, as in the example above.
II.V. E-journal
Prestifilippo, Agustín Lucas. “Sobre el carácter aurático de la imagen literaria”. Ideas y Valores. 65. Aug. 2016: 89-107. Bdigital. Web. 20 Sep. 2016.
II.VI. Web page
Borges, Jorge Luis. “La forma de la espada”. Web. 22 Sep. 2016.
Note: If the name of the author is not available, use the abbreviation n.p. (no publisher). If publication date is not available use the abbreviation n.d. (no date). If the article has page numbers, these should be placed before the date when the web page was consulted, following the model used for books.
Typology of journals articles published by Poligramas
These types of articles are recognized by Colciencias:
- Reflection paper: Document presenting research results from the author’s analytical, interpretative or critical perspective, on a specific issue and based con original sources.
- Review paper: Document written after conducting a specific research activity, and analyzing, systematizing and integrating published or unpublished research results on a field of science or technology, with the objective of reporting development progress and tendencies. Review papers include an exhaustive bibliographic review of at least 50 references.
- Short paper: Brief document presenting preliminary or partial results of science or technology research, which generally requires quick dissemination.
- Reflection paper, not derived from research
- Theme review: Document resulting from critical review of literature on a specific theme.