About the Journal
Praxis filosófica is an academic journal with continuous publication, issued biannually (January-June, July-December) by the Department of Philosophy of the Universidad del Valle, Colombia. Its main purpose is to present to the national and international community the analyses and research carried out by its contributors in different areas of philosophy. With this aim in mind, the journal seeks to encourage discussion and debate on relevant philosophical topics while promoting the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in this field.
Focus and Scope
Since its establishment in 1977, with the support of the Department of Philosophy of the Uiversidad del Valle (Cali-Colombia), Praxis Filosófica has provided its pages for the publication of articles and book reviews in Spanish, English, Portuguese, and French, covering a wide range of philosophical topics. These topics range from the history of philosophy to contemporary currents, including ethics, logic, epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of language, and other relevant areas, and even include the relationship between philosophy and related disciplines such as law and psychology. In addition, the journal publishes translations into Spanish of research-relevant philosophical documents and interviews.
The journal is targeted at an academic audience, primarily professors and researchers in philosophy, as well as professionals in related fields. It also serves as a reference source for philosophy students and anyone interested in deepening their understanding of various aspects of philosophy.
Praxis Filosófica seeks original contributions for publication and has a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism, using various mechanisms and plagiarism prevention services such as Turnitin. The content and ideas expressed in the published writings are the sole responsibility of their respective authors. Moreover, Praxis Filosófica adheres to editorial policies and ethical standards in accordance with COPE and APA guidelines.
Peer Review Process
The journal is committed to ensuring the integrity of the peer review process, following COPE guidelines. All submitted material will be treated as strictly confidential until publication. In the event of any concerns regarding misconduct during the review process, COPE guidelines will be followed for investigation.
The philosophical journal Praxis conducts document reviews through a "double-blind" arbitration process. Therefore, authors are unaware of their evaluators, and evaluators are unaware of the identity of the author of the text they are reviewing. Articles will be evaluated by a minimum of two academic peers.
The peer review process is confidential. Therefore, correspondence, manuscripts, and any documents resulting from this review process must also be handled with discretion and confidentiality by all parties involved. It is clarified that the personal and academic information requested from evaluators is for the exclusive use of indexing processes and will not be shared with third parties.
Reviewers are expected to adhere to the deadlines set for the delivery of their evaluations and to immediately inform the journal if any ethical impediment or conflict of interest arises that may affect the evaluation. Additionally, reviewers are expected to consider that the articles are intended for a scientific journal, therefore there should be certain requirements regarding the argumentative quality and formal aspects (writing, structure, spelling) of the text.
Open Access and Self-Archiving Policy
Praxis filosófica, as a scientific journal of the Universidad del Valle, adheres to the Budapest (BOAI, 2002), Berlin (2003), and Bethesda (2003) declarations with the aim of promoting unrestricted dissemination of scientific research. In this way, it contributes to improving scientific progress, the economy, and the quality of life of citizens in Ibero-American countries and around the world.
In line with this ideology, Praxis filosófica offers open and immediate access to its published content, supporting the notion that free access to research facilitates the dissemination of knowledge. For this reason, it identifies and publishes its articles in Green Open Access mode.
All articles will be published under the Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. With the purpose of eliminating obstacles for authors in the publication process, the journal does not charge any author fees, and its publication is made possible thanks to the support of the Editorial Program of the Universidad del Valle. Additionally, Praxis filosófica receives support from the Department of Philosophy of the Universidad del Valle.
Our journal allows self-archiving of the final approved version for publication in repositories or personal networks, as long as it is correctly cited using the DOI of the corresponding article. Authors retain the right to reuse their own articles.
This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed file among the participating libraries, allowing these libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes. See more.
Plagiarism Policy
The journal Praxis Filosófica is firmly committed to maintaining the originality of the articles it publishes, as it considers plagiarism to be poor editorial practice on the part of the author. Therefore, authors must commit to ensuring that their work has not been previously published in any format, whether print or electronic, and that it has not engaged in any act of plagiarism.
To ensure the originality of content and prevent plagiarism, the journal carries out the following procedure:
- When submitting an article for publication consideration, the author must complete an Authorship Certificate provided by the journal, declaring that their work is original and not under simultaneous consideration for publication in another journal. They must also confirm that they are following the publication guidelines of the journal (found in Information for Authors), which include the submission of original articles.
- All manuscripts submitted to the journal undergo plagiarism prevention software called Turnitin, which identifies any overlap and similar text. The software generates a similarity report that shows the degree of matching between the submitted article and other published materials. This report is carefully reviewed to detect potential cases of plagiarism, following the editorial policies established by the journal.
The journal Praxis Filosófica considers several forms of plagiarism, including:
- Direct Plagiarism: Occurs when sentences, ideas, passages, works, images, or material in general are taken from other works without proper acknowledgment of the source, i.e., without adequately citing the original author or making correct use of quotation marks. In the case of research in philosophy, this also includes drafts of papers, theses shared with the author, or even lectures given in various academic spaces designated for such purposes.
- Self-Plagiarism: Occurs when an author modifies a previously published manuscript (whether by changing the wording, structure, title, or order of ideas, among other aspects) and presents it as if it were unpublished, without making an explicit and complete mention of the previous publication.
- Paraphrasing: Occurs when minimal changes are made to the original text, either in sentences or paragraphs, and presented as original work to the journal, without mentioning the original author.
- False authorship occurs when the name of another person is included in the preparation of the article without their having made any contribution to its development.
If there is suspicion of a possible act of plagiarism, depending on the analysis of the case, authors will be notified and asked to provide an explanation and, if necessary, to make proper citation. This provides authors with the opportunity to clarify the situation. Based on the explanation provided by the author, the editor will make a decision on whether the article will continue in the editorial process for publication.
If it is proven that a published article has violated ethical standards related to intellectual property and plagiarism, it may be withdrawn from the journal. We reserve the right to inform the authors' institutions about detected acts of plagiarism before or after publication. Additionally, reviewers are requested to be vigilant of submissions and to notify the journal of any suspicion of plagiarism.
Confidentiality Policy
The journal Praxis Filosófica is committed to preserving the integrity of the editorial process for received texts, ensuring confidentiality from receipt to publication. All manuscripts will be handled with strict confidentiality and following the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Peer review is conducted confidentially for all parties, adopting the double-blind peer review approach. All communication between the journal's editorial team and reviewers is handled with complete confidentiality, without exceptions. Additionally, reviewers and editors are prohibited from using or exploiting any material or information obtained during the evaluation process. The editor commits to the principle of confidentiality and anonymity of authors and reviewers of the documents. Authors' research findings will not be used for personal benefit or that of others, unless expressly authorized by the author.
The journal will not share with third parties the data obtained from authors and reviewers, ensuring that these are for exclusive and confidential use.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or another person.
License and Copyright
Articles in the philosophical journal Praxis are published under the Creative Commons License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). This license allows others to share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) and adapt (remix, transform, and build upon the material) the contents of the journal for non-commercial purposes, provided that proper credit is given to the journal and new creations are licensed under the same terms.
According to our policy, articles submitted and subjected to the editorial process in the philosophical journal Praxis incur no cost for their authors, nor do they receive any financial compensation for the journal.
Authors retain the copyright of their respective articles and bear responsibility for the content expressed therein. Likewise, they guarantee the journal the privilege of being the first publication of the work.
Conflict of Interest Policy
The members of the editorial team, as well as the reviewers and authors of the journal Praxis Filosófica, commit to maintaining confidentiality and exclusivity with the journal. In the event that any of the parties involved in the editorial process (review and publication of articles) are affected by a conflict of interest, they must abstain from participating in the process.
The communication that the editor has with reviewers and authors will be clear insofar as the required information will be provided or consulted without crossing the boundaries established by good editorial practices. This ensures that no step of the editorial process is evaded for any reason. Each manuscript submitted to the journal follows meticulously the appropriate process of reception, evaluation, and publication. Under no circumstances will economic, academic, personal, or commercial interests be allowed to influence decisions made.
In the evaluation process, conducted through the double-blind review method, it is crucial to highlight that reviewers, being professionals with a deep knowledge of the subject matter of the articles, must report any impediment to conducting the evaluation if they identify the author of the manuscript. This procedure guarantees the preservation of anonymity and prevents their judgment from influencing the evaluation of the article.
Advertising Policy
The journal Praxis filosófica has adopted the following advertising and communication policy:
Regarding advertising:
The journal Praxis filosófica does not contemplate commercial advertisements on its website. Advertising related to academic or scientific matters from other journals and allied institutions is accepted; requests should be made via email: revistapraxis@correounivalle.edu.co
In terms of communications:
The dissemination of information regarding:
- New published articles.
- Editorial news.
- Events organized by the philosophical journal Praxis.
- Scheduled maintenance of the OJS platform or other computer systems.
- Unexpected service outages.
Will be communicated through the official channels of the journal.
OJS: https://praxisfilosofica.univalle.edu.co/
E-mail: revistapraxis@correounivalle.edu.co
Social networks: https://www.facebook.com/praxis.filosofica.univalle
The journal Praxis filosófica is supported and sponsored by the Department of Philosophy at the Universidad del Valle (Cali, Colombia) and benefits from technical support from the Editorial Program of the Universidad del Valle.
In order to reduce publication barriers for authors, the journal Praxis filosófica, belonging to the Universidad del Valle, does not charge any fees to authors for the publication of manuscripts.
Code of ethics and editorial malpractices of Praxis Filosófica journal
The Praxis Filosófica journal has a code of ethics and editorial malpractice following the guidelines of COPE and some supporting documents such as: APA, the Good practice guide for open access journal (2011), and Good Manual practices in the scientific journal edition of the FECYT (2012); It also takes into account the guidelines required by the National System of Indexing and Homologation of Specialized Journals CT + I, Publindex, Colciencas.
Praxis Filosófica journal has these guidelines that, taking into account the need for the dissemination of academic knowledge, need constant monitoring of the conditions of the journal, seeking to maintain its integrity and its history in the field of philosophy, detached from any lucrative profit that can overshadow the work that since 1977 initiated the Department of Philosophy. Finally, guided by values of solidity and reliability in research, honesty, recognition of previous works, originality in the field of research, transparency, responsibility, and adherence to and respect for publication rules and intellectual property laws, we present you our code of ethics and bad editorial practices.
From the editor
The editor of Praxis Filosófica magazine is committed to complying with the journal's internal policies and the editorial ethical standards described in this document; is committed to maintaining the required and adequate communication between authors and evaluators. The editor of Praxis Filosófica magazine does not publish its own articles in the body of the magazine. Finally, it is responsible for addressing the suggestions that readers, evaluators or the general public make about the content of Praxis Filosófica.
Specifically, the editor is responsible for:
- Decision making: the editor is in the capacity of not admitting for review and editorial evaluation documents that do not fulfill the basic requirements of reception and publication. This is in accordance with verifiable criteria of impartiality and taking into account the main objectives of the journal.
- The editor will decide the relevance of the publication of articles according to the structural composition of this or that number (whether it is thematic or not).
- Confidentiality: taking into account that Praxis Filosófica magazine uses a double-blind arbitration system for the evaluation of documents, the editor is committed to the principle of confidentiality and anonymity of authors and evaluators of documents. The research results of the authors will not be used for their own benefit or that of others, unless they have the express authorization of the author.
- Communication: the editor must communicate to the authors in a timely and appropriate manner the status of the document in the respective editorial process. Likewise, you must inform the evaluators of the commitments that are assumed at the moment of accepting the arbitration of the document.
- Compliance: the editor must ensure compliance with the internal policies and editorial policies of Praxis Filosófica journal and the publication of each edition, whether printed or digital, in the corresponding times.
- Attention to criticism and concerns: taking into account that scientific knowledge is built from dialogue and academic discussion with colleagues, the editor is willing to attend to suggestions and respond to the concerns of authors and reviewers with the aim of improving editorial process.
- In case of an error, after publishing the number, whether technical or conceptual, the editor is obliged to publish, immediately recognized the error, a mistake where errors are corrected, pointing out exactly the place where he is. This erratum will be printed for the physical version and, in the digital version, it must be published through a download link of the document with the corrected error.
- Detection of bad practices: if the reviewer, the editor or a reader suspect bad practice on the part of the author, the editor is responsible for dealing with the matter directly with the authors; if not resolved satisfactorily with the authors, the editor must communicate and discuss what happened with the entity or institution to which the authors have affiliation, in order to resolve the conflict; the resolution of this malpractice should also be made known through a misprint. In case of presenting a case of plagiarism that in the opinion of the editor can be serious, it should be consulted with the advisor of the Committee of Intellectual Property of the Universidad del Valle.
From the evaluator
The role of the evaluator in the editorial process of Praxis Filosófica is of great importance; in the same way as the editor, the evaluator responds, with its concepts and evaluations, to academic criteria and merits disconnected from any economic or commercial compensation, in addition to acting under judgments of objectivity.
The evaluator responds ethically by:
- Confidentiality: the evaluator undertakes to respond to the request for anonymous review of the document, which in turn implies the non-communication to third parties of the process being carried out; unless an external opinion is necessary, which must be communicated in advance to the Editor in order to have the proper authorization. In addition, the evaluator should not appropriate the content of unpublished documents for personal benefit, unless it has the author's due authorization.
- Assessment provision: upon receipt of the arbitration request letter, the evaluator must respond within a reasonable period of time if he or she accepts or fails to perform the evaluation of the document, observing compliance with what is expressed in the letter (presenting a reasoned concept recommending the publication or not, taking into account aspects such as the quality of the writing, presentation of theses and original ideas, knowledge of the subject, quality of arguments and, finally, management of basic and specialized bibliography. of 30 days, in case of needing a longer time, notify the editor). If the evaluator knows the document in advance or has a conflict of interest, it must state it to the editor, who will decide if his participation in the arbitration process is opportune or not.
- Bad practices detected: if the evaluator detects in the revision of the document possible bad practices by the authors, will notify the editor of the journal so that the latter processes as it should.
From the author
The authors have a fundamental role in the process of editing and publishing documents in Praxis Filosófica; they must comply with a conduct based on knowledge and respect for intellectual property rights and transparency of the research presented.
The authors respond ethically by:
- Compliance with the rules: the authors must know and comply with the initial requirements for submitting original documents and the publication rules of the Philosophical Praxis journal.
- Honesty, transparency and originality: authors are required to submit original documents that encourage academic discussion, that are the results of their research work, and that they respond to originality conditions without committing plagiarism.
- Sponsorships: the authors must communicate to the journal when an entity sponsors a research project where the article is presented; or they must inform if it is partial results of a doctoral research or of a postgraduate academic training project.
- Authorship: the authors must inform the journal, when the article is presented in co-authorship, the order of appearance of the same (according to the degree of participation in said research).
- Citation and references: authors should be guided by the APA reference citation sixth edition. In the bibliographic reference indicated at the end of the article, only the documents cited in the body of the text should appear. As it is an article, you must indicate your DOI identification number, if you have one.
- Publication errors: the authors must inform the editor if they detect errors in the documents after their publication.
- Arbitration: the authors are obliged to attend to the corrections proposed by the peer reviewers for the eventual publication of the document in the journal.
Section Policies
Editorial Note
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Last update: 06 de marzo de 2024