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Meditations on metaphysics in Negative Dialectics exposes the categories that Theodor W. Adorno proposes for a new idea of ​​philosophy, ethics and education, after Auschwitz. Specifically, we present a new way of studying and understanding the categories of reason systems that ends, according to the Frankfurter, with the experience of barbarism in the Nazi concentration camps. For Adorno, Auschwitz as a historical-social event, marks the way to review and propose a new direction towards the understanding of the human and any rational project. In this way, the human, after Auschwitz, prints new categories, objectives and goals to philosophy, ethics and education. In this sense, educate to avoid barbarism or against Auschwitz, in Adorno's reflection, the resignification and integration of words in the principle of identity, according to the model of sustainable rationality and based on western philosophy. For this reason, this reflection identifies and names these categories in the educational proposal of Adorno.

Arlex Berrio Peña, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia, Cartagena, Colombia

Degree in Philosophy and Religious Education from the Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino. Master in Philosophy from the Universidad del Norte. Teacher of the District Education Secretariat of Cartagena, in the area of social sciences. Likewise, professor at the Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD) in the postgraduate area (Specialization in autonomous learning; Specialization in culture, education and politics). He has published several research articles in the area of philosophy and education.

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Received 2020-10-15
Accepted 2020-10-15
Published 2021-04-15

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