Narváez Cano, J. (2019). Hume y la causalidad. Problemas y soluciones. Editorial Universidad del Rosario
Main Article Content
Hume and Causality offers a comprehensive and detailed analysis of Hume's approach to causality. Jerónimo Narváez argues throughout this book that Hume's philosophy does not lead to a skeptical dead end but guides us to the consideration of non-rational aspects that take part in the formation of beliefs, makes a contribution to elaborate a complex notion of knowledge and provides normative elements for the evaluation of the various types of causal beliefs.
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Narváez Cano, J. (2019). Hume y la causalidad. Problemas y soluciones. Editorial Universidad del Rosario.
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Accepted 2022-08-04
Published 2022-09-15
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