Image and Democracy in Thomas Hobbes
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This essay assesses that Hobbes the use of the image and the function of the democratic regime inside the philosophical system of Thomas Hobbes. This purpose is addressed in two moments. I. I would like to propose an iconographic analysis that will underlines the logic of the presence/absence of the crowd as a political body (i.e. the dispersion issue). On the other hand, II. I will discuss about the role of the democratic regime, and the transition from the multitude dissoluta to the populus and the consolidation of the sovereign body are problematized (i.e. democratic regime). Thus, the political use of the image by the sovereign power, described from the distinction between civil adoration and divine adoration, is a Hobbesian exhortation to the regulation of the fear of sustaining commonwealth, ciu bono of the sovereign power. Consequently, the government of the image implies the problem of the democratic regime.
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Accepted 2023-03-07
Published 2023-04-20
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