Art as Play: Space, Movement, and Medium. Hermeneutic Tools for the Reconsideration of the Ontology of the Work of Art
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Philosophical hermeneutics proposes various conceptual tools useful for research, critique, and enjoyment of works of art. Nevertheless, there is an evident lack of intermediate-level articles that explain these concepts within the scope of their utility. This article focuses on the notion of play in philosophical hermeneutics. It undertakes two tasks: first, it interprets hermeneutic aesthetics as a response to the theoretical needs and philosophical problems of its time. Second, it highlights the relevance of play (Spiel) as a phenomenological strategy to explain the ontology of the work of art. It is argued that this reinterpretation of the ontology of the work of art constitutes a philosophical innovation that allows for the recognition of aspects of the work of art that remained hidden in other aesthetic approaches of the time and that is still relevant in light of new understandings of the work of art insofar as they allow for a reinterpretation of the problem of aesthetic autonomy.
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