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We will address Rousseau's perspective on theater by focusing on the concept of taste, as it is presented in the Letter to D'Alembert. According to the text, taste represents the values and les moeurs that uphold the social and political order of a community. Interestingly, it appears that the ethical limitations of theater are not necessarily a result of its mimetic nature, but rather due to the influence of social taste. In  Letter, the theater is both a literary genre and a singular spectacle.  Rousseau makes a distinction between the literary genre and the institution that embeds it in the social space by using the term "spectacle". It is suggested that the Parisian spectacle poses a risk to the Republic of Geneva since it alters the way time is used, redistributes community resources, affects social practices and, eventually, general taste.

Gabriela Domecq, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Los Polvorines, Argentina

Docente investigadora, adjunta, del Instituto del Desarrollo Humano de la
Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (Argentina). Su área de trabajo es la filosofía
moderna especialmente la Ilustración francesa. Ha publicado varios artículos sobre la obra
de Rousseau. Actualmente trabaja sobre la obra de Gabrielle Suchon.

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