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way at this time signed by the uncertainty. We found an example of which it means in the pre-Socratic philosophers, in their way to face and to solve epistemological problems or theory of knowledge related problems. Historical counterexamples represents the developments of the socratic - platonic and aristotelian philosophy. In the medieval philosophy, the same case can be illustrated mainly by the St. Thomas followers developments. It is proven that to fidelity to a philosophy, a hypothesis, an idea, is constituted in a suicide for the investigator or the philosopher. Only the reasonable critic allows to choose the best option. The invitation therefore is to exert this attitude with responsibility, with the confidence that in this way we will find - provisional - solutions to the problems that limit to us. But it is also an attitude that demands a serious commitment from who investigates: his/ her exercise is safeguard against fanatic and intolerant attitudes.

Villegas, J. E. (2003). OPCION A FAVOR DE LA RACIONALIDAD CRÍTICA. Praxis Filosófica, (17).


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