On rhetoric as a techné: Aristotle’s responses to the Gorgias’ objections
rhetoric dialectic antistrophe technê speeches common place.
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In the Gorgias, Plato distinguishes the way of being and acting proper ofthe philosopher as opposed to the way of being and acting proper of therhetorician. For this, Plato uses as criteria the rhetoric itself insofar as hedistinguishes between the flattering rhetoric and the scientific rhetoric. Asopposed to this, Aristotle reformulates the referring Platonic critics to thepossibility of developing a rhetorical technê. The present text will confrontthe conditions that according to the Gorgias must fulfill the rhetoric to get tobe a technê with the characteristics that, according to Aristotle, the rhetorichas based on its relation with the dialectic.
Aguirre Román, J. O. (2009). On rhetoric as a techné: Aristotle’s responses to the Gorgias’ objections. Praxis Filosófica, (29), 17–40. https://doi.org/10.25100/pfilosofica.v0i29.3285
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