Art as metaphorical thinking in Cassirers symbolic philosophy
Cassirer art symbolic form synthesis metaphorical thinking.
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This article shows that art is for Cassirer a symbolic form, not acopy of the reality. Symbolic form represents a characteristic synthesisbetween a sensible element and a meaning, therefore thatthe meaning doesnt exist regardless of the symbolic form, but it isthis form itself. For this reason, the symbol induces to much thought.The symbol founds meaning. That symbolic capacity of synthesisis the power of metaphor. Symbolic forms are forms of metaphoricalthinking. Art, as perfect model of that synthesis, also is modelof metaphorical thinking, and as a result from this the work of artcant be replaced by philosophy.
Gutiérrez Pozo, A. (2008). Art as metaphorical thinking in Cassirers symbolic philosophy. Praxis Filosófica, (26), 169–188.
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