The configuration of the citizen identity in a multicultural context
multiculturality integration citizenship freedom deliberative democracy.
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As alternative to two conceptions of citizenship, on the one hand, a naturalizedand pre-political conception of citizen identity particularistic and exclusive, and, on the other hand, another universalistic and inclusive conception,extremely abstract, defined in a contractualistic way and in juridicalpoliticalterms; this paper presents, based on a moral defense of culture likea context of freedom, the proposal of Jürgen Habermas, according to whichboth the procedures of the constitutional State and the democratic way oflegitimization produce a new level of integration and social cohesion. Furthering a republican conception of democracy, Habermass proposal helpsintegrate cultural diversity without recognizing the group rights that certainmulticulturalist authors demand. At the same time, it also represents a democraticway of drawing together universalistic moral ideals and the particularrealities of the western political communities.
Miranda, F. J. (2008). The configuration of the citizen identity in a multicultural context. Praxis Filosófica, (27), 135–146.
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