Remarks on a Possible Basis of Ethics in Being and Time by Martin Heidegger
Heidegger ethics solicitude authenticity decisionism
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Attempts at discovering an ethics or a basis for an ethical system in Being and Time by Martin Heidegger have mostly proved unfruitful owing to the scarse mentioning that Heidegger makes of the “other” in its “positive” part, which earned him not little criticism. Scholars who do consider there to be an ethic in Being and Time may be divided into three groups: scholars who argue that a negative ethics is present (comparable to a negative theology), scholars who centre their exposition on the concept of Fürsorge, and a third group which bases its analysis on the concept of Entschlossenheit. In this text these three principal lines of interpretation are outlined.
Muñoz, I. A. (2010). Remarks on a Possible Basis of Ethics in Being and Time by Martin Heidegger. Praxis Filosófica, (31), 99–108.
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