The Notion of Model within the Semantic Approach of Theories
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The article aims to clarify the notion of model involved in the semantic approach of theories (SAT). It is shown that in the context of the SAT, the term ‘model’ has two functions: in one case, it is featured as a structure that satisfes one description and in another it is featured as a mathematical structure that represents aspects from some actual systems. Thus, the term “model” has two senses, however for the SAT the relevant function of models is representation and not satisfaction. This will allow us to conclude, among other things, that proponents of the structuralist conception of theories, one of the SAT’s versions, put the accent in an inappropriate way when conceiving the models in the formal semantic sense, whereas the latter versions by van Fraassen and Giere are more appropriate because they conceive the models as mathematical structures (van Fraassen) and as representations (Giere).
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