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Gilles Deleuze describes the task of “renversement du platonisme” as the search of it´s motivation. The purpose of the Theory of Ideas and of the dialectic method is a “will to select”. Deleuze identifies a platonic problem, which he calls the “problem of the claimants”. In this scenario, Ideas function as selection criteria and the dialectic method is the procedure by which Plato produces the difference among the objects of selection. Deleuze uses the concept of “simulacrum” for his interpretation of the inversion because he finds it suppresses the possibility of Ideas as selection criteria. However, this concept has a very narrow use in Plato´s dialogs. Strictly speaking, it is only in the Sophist that Plato develops the notion of “simulacrum”. In this article we will search through Deleuze´s use of the simulacrum and through his reading of Plato´s Sophist in order to support our interpretation of his reading as a symptomatic operation.

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