Philosophy and literature in Deleuze and Guattari: creation and the event
Main Article Content
This article studies the relation between philosophy and literature for Deleuze and Guattari. The central argument is that the differential lies exactly on the same concept that connects them, which is the event. Given the way both relate to the event, we can understand that these arts of creation open the possibility to changes in human life. The first part presents the conception of art and philosophy, on the basis of the block of sensation and the concept. The second part presents the particularity of literary creation in respect to language, writing, sense and the event. The third part completes the relation of literature to the event on the basis of the concept of line of flight and its temporal character. The fourth (and last) part concludes with an explanation of the differential between literature and philosophy and opens new research possibilities for literature and politics.
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Accepted 2018-01-26
Published 2017-07-15
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