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The separation of ancient Platonism in Middle Platonism and Neoplatonism is relatively recent. The conceptual basis of this separation was grounded in the pioneering work Historia critica philosophiae (1742-67) by Jacob Brucker. In the 1770s and 1780s, the term "Neoplatonism" was coined from Brucker's analysis. Three historiographical concepts were decisive for Brucker: "system of philosophy", "eclecticism" and "syncretism". Using these concepts, he characterized Middle Platonism and Neoplatonism as opposed philosophical movements, the former being a genuine form of Platonism and the latter a false one. However, this separation is unsustainable and we should abandon it.

Filosófica, P. (2018). The origin of the separation between Middle Platonism and Neoplatonism. Leo Catana. Praxis Filosófica, (47), 237–274.


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Received 2018-06-20
Accepted 2018-06-20
Published 2018-07-15