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This article aims to determine what is the philosophical value of anaideia -ἀναίδεια- (shamelessness) and its relation to parresía -παρρησία- (frankness, freedom of speech) in Diogenes of Sinope. It is carried out a reading, analysis and interpretation of classical sources on the school cynical, and particularly of the book VI of Diógenes Laercio "Lives and sentences of the most illustrious philosophers", key text in the studies on cynicism. The result of this analysis is that in these texts, a Diogenes of Sinope is represented, assuming gestures and word replicas in which aidós and moderation are not characteristic of his philosophical attitude, for which reason the anaideia is considered as a affirmation of freedom against the criticism established by the philosopher regarding civilized and artificial life. It is concluded that in order to positively value the cynicism of Diogenes and link it to the whole Greek tradition that privileges reason and virtue, it is necessary to value the ethical and philosophical status of parresía: freedom of speech, openness.

Victor Hugo Vázquez Gómez, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia

Occasional teacher of Classical Literature in the Degree Program in Literature of the Universidad del Valle. Member of the Ágora Group of the Department of Philosophy in the same institution. PhD student in Philosophy (Universidad del Valle). Master in Philosophy (Universidad del Valle, 2015) and Bachelor of Philosophy (Universidad del Valle, 2011). His areas of work and research are ethics and politics in Greco-Roman antiquity and Greco-Roman classical literature. Among its main publications are: (2014). Parrhesia: entre ley y filosofía. En Revista Científica Guillermo de Ockham, 12(1), 65-75 y (2010). La ironía socrática como apertura al êthos filosófico. En Légein, Revista de estudiantes de filosofía, (10), 9-32.

Vázquez Gómez, V. H. (2019). The Philosophical Value of the anaideia in Diógenes de Sinope. Praxis Filosófica, (49), 107–128.

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Received 2019-05-29
Accepted 2019-05-29
Published 2019-07-15

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