A review that connects the documentary approach of didactics and the professional view of the mathematics teacher
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The results of a documentary review that establishes theoretical and methodological connections between the Documentary Approach to Didactics (EDD) and the Teacher's Professional Noticing (MPP) are presented. The methodology used contemplated three moments: classification, selection and analysis. As results, it is stated that researches have been carried out from the EDD and the MPP, which account for the practices of the mathematics teacher. Conceptually, the EDD has cognitive roots that focus its attention on a teacher's resource system and the MPP, for its part, studies the teacher’s situated activity. Methodologically, it is identified a shared interest in the study of the lessons. The results also show the need from the EDD to connect the documentary processes of the teachers with the results of the instruction, such as discursive practices in the classroom, the use of complex and challenging tasks, conceptual learning, etc. regarding the MPP, it is identified the need to understand the diversification and own methodological developments to strengthen its methods of data collection and analysis, both qualitative and quantitative.
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