The TPACK model to teach, learn and evaluate the concept of movement
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The concept of movement has fascinated philosophers and scientists for more than two thousand years. However, despite being a captivating topic for humanity because it allowed answering questions such as: Why do objects fall to earth’s surface? How was it concluded that the earth revolves around the sun? It is difficult for students to understand and use this concept to explain everyday situations. To contribute to the teaching, learning and evaluation (henceforth E-A-Ev) of this concept, five epistemological premises are assumed and developed: 1) The texts include a specific E-A-Ev proposal whose means to know it is by establishing its pedagogical model. 2) History and epistemology provide elements to investigate, teach, learn and evaluate the concept of movement. 3) The teacher builds his own pedagogical model, based on the interpretation he makes about it and how he conceives E-A-Ev. 4) Students’ initial ideas mediate their E-A-Ev, and 5) Digital resource technology provides new models for their E-A-Ev. The main result is that the generation of educational proposals that include students’ initial ideas is required, while helping them to relate physical concepts with mathematical formalism and to use technology beyond conducting experiments. One conclusion derived from this research is that the TPACK is an integrating model that articulates epistemological premises and facilitates the incorporation of content, pedagogical and technological knowledge, contributing to the E-A-Ev of this concept.
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Accepted 2019-12-11
Published 2019-01-15
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