Training of teachers of geography and social sciences to the secondary level in Spain and Brazil
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The training of teachers for Secondary Education / High School (ES / EM) of Geography and Social Sciences in Brazil and Spain has its own characteristics in its host countries. In this research, we sought to understand the process of teacher training for this level of education in these countries. The methodological procedures covered the analysis of their legislation, examination of documents, with emphasis on the works of Master's Degree (TFM) and follow-up of teacher training classes in the Master of Training of Professor of Geography and History of the University of Valencia (UV) . In addition to these procedures, instruments / polls were applied to the students of the Master of the UV to understand their motivations for the teaching of Geography and Social Sciences. The results point to a convergence of formative processes, although in Spain Secondary and Secondary Education teachers, who correspond to the High School in Brazil, have to take a Master's degree to practice teaching at that level of education. It is considered that the training at the masters level that has been followed is of a high level and allows the students in training to reach the contents and teaching skills for the teaching of Secondary Education and Baccalaureate in Spain for the proposed disciplines. However, in Brazil, teacher training is developed in undergraduate courses, in the specific degrees, in this research did not analyze any teacher training school for basic education, only the legislation and structuring regulations of undergraduate courses. It is concluded that the training of ES / MS teachers in Geography and Social Sciences in Brazil and Spain are distinct, mainly, in the following aspects: a) In Brazil ES / MS teacher training occurs in Faculties of Teaching, in graduation level; b) In Spain, teacher training for ES / MS occurs, as well as throughout the European Higher Education Area, in Master's courses, at postgraduate masters level; c) Brazilian teachers with a degree in Geography are also qualified to teach classes in Elementary School II; and, d) The teachers who are graduates of the Master do not have the competence to teach in Primary Education, this is reserved for the graduates of the Primary Education Teacher Training Course.
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Accepted 2019-12-12
Published 2019-01-15
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