Perspective on the stages of industrial development and sport
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This article presents a synthesis of the correspondence between the stages of industrial development and Sports, preserving the parallelism of the two facts or their mutual inherence during each of the stages that led to the fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0, and consequently to the development of Sport 4.0. Methodologically, the author relies on Interpretive-Comprehensive Hermeneutics, under the support of the Social Systems theory. Main conclusion: As the stages of Industry development - in historical correspondence - advance and develop, as a socioeconomic, sociopolitical and sociotechnological fact, consequently new practices, corporal techniques, forms of organization, understanding of performance, and new theoretical perspectives adapted to the spirit of the times, their differentiation and complexity, arise in sports. Sport is not exempt from being influenced by this reality and its contexts. Studying and investigating it refers to the use of theoretical and scientific supports to observe, interpret, understand, research, and guide both its teaching and differentiated management in the 21st century (Sports Models).
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Accepted 2020-04-21
Published 2019-07-15
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