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Internships are an essential component of the training of social workers. While other studies have focused on face-to-face programs, this text delves into the role of the internship staff as a space to reinforce the self-directed learning of practitioners in distance education programs. The central argument of this article is that the self-directed learning that professional practices require requires not only learning to learn, but also learning to do from the selective recovery of previous knowledge. The analysis of the results shows that such recovery is not easy for the students, so additional strategies are required in the supervision of the practices to obtain better results. On the other hand, this research shows that the distance modality does not represent an obstacle for these learning.

Cristian Eduardo Blanco-García, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó. Medellín, Colombia.

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Received 2020-11-12
Accepted 2021-05-19
Published 2021-07-01

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