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This paper describes a pedagogical experience that adopted the biographical narrative as the articulating axis of the contents of the course "Social Conflicts and Violence", for training in Social Work. The subject became a scenario for meeting narratives from the experiences of the subjects of the pedagogical act (Educator-Educating) and to articulate Social research and Pedagogical action.

The article describes the experience and presents some of the most relevant findings derived from it, mainly recognizing the potential of the biographical narrative in at least three issues: 1. In the subject's own life, which includes the educator and the learner; 2. In the formation of Social Work and, 3. In the understanding of the national reality, mainly related to the social and political conflict of the last fifty years. What stands out is the importance of making visible the multiple relationships and intersections that cross the lives of the subjects with historical facts, and that they are able to recognize. Thus, historical, social and political facts cross the one's own existence and it is possible to trace them through their traces in biographical narratives.



Sara Sofía Castaño-Barco, Universidad del Valle. Zarzal, Colombia

Docente hora cátedra en Universidad del Valle. Zarzal, Colombia. Docente en el Magisterio Yumbo, Colombia. Magister en Educación y Desarrollo Humano, CINDE Universidad de Manizales, 2018. Especialista en Gerencia Social de la Universidad Javeriana de Cali. Psicóloga de la Universidad del Valle. 

Claudia Bermúdez-Peña, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia

Docente y Directora del programa de Trabajo Social de la Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia. Doctora en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad General Sarmiento, Argentina. Magíster en Educación, con énfasis en Educación Popular y Desarrollo Comunitario por la Universidad del Valle. Trabajadora Social por la Universidad del Valle. 

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Received 2021-01-15
Accepted 2021-05-19
Published 2021-07-01

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