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The present article consttutes a contribution to the field of the studies of gender and sexuality, approaching the analysis of the cndition of deprivation of liberty and different factors that as opposed to this situation happen at personal level, family, social and as all it influences in the sexual orientation of a group of women of the center of imprisonment of the city of Cali, with legal conditión the condemned.

This etnographic work development from a inclusion glance, recognizing the diverse manifestations of the human beings, to validate the sexuality not like natural, essentials and determined fact, but like a social, historical and cultural process that is constructed through the times and of the relation with themselves(ace) and the other where exists a multiplicity of possibilities of being related,of experiencing themselves , of feeling, of thinking, of interpreting themselves beyond standardized categories as it raises the theory queer to merger axis of this pioneerring investigation in the subject.

Diana M. Aponte

Trabajadora Social actualmente laborando en el Centro Solidaridad la Esperanza comuna 18, parte alta de Ladera de los Chorros y en procesos de formación para mujeres con el Centro de Estudios de Género, mujer y sociedad. Universidad del Valle, Fundación Cristiana para Niños y Ancianos, Coordinadora del Sub-Proyecto MBF-A en la comuna 14.

Katherine Eslava

Trabajadora Social actualmente laborando en la Corporación servicio de Rehabilitación Antonieta Fage y en procesos de formación para mujeres con el Centro de Estudios de Género, mujer y sociedad Universidad del Valle. Igualmente Juez de paz de la comuna 12 y del establecimiento Penitenciario y Carcelario de Hombres de la Ciudad de Cali.
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