The origin of private education and banking schools in Colombia: Encounters and disagreements
Main Article Content
This article is part of the results of the research project “Insumisa Education in the Colombian Caribbean Region: between public education and private education, currently in execution under the responsibility of the Andrés Bello Group of the Corporación Universitaria Rafael Núñez. The general objective of this study is to promote a theoretical reflection based on the data, the information systematized in the consulted texts and the experiences lived directly and collected in the approaches and successive field works, related to the subject of education insumision. The study method used is Mixed (qualitative-quantitative). The most important findings related to the study refer to the emergence of private education as a mechanism of exclusion that, still persists, the existence of Chair Schools in the Colombian Caribbean and the department of Atlántico and the encounters and disagreements between Public Education, Private Education, Popular Education, with the emergence of Chair Schools as a transversal axis.
The conclusions of the article highlight the need to continue investigating about Popular Education as it pertains to the Colombian Caribbean, specifically in the Atlantic department.
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Accepted 2023-10-18
Published 2023-04-21
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