From a phenomenological experience of the armed conflict towards a significant experience of peace in the post agreement
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The purpose of this paper is to analyse the subjective processes of the significant experience lived by some people in contexts of violence in Colombia. In order to do this, we use analysis from the perspective of phenomenology of Alfred Schütz and Paul Ricoeur, in which imagination converts the construction of peace as a possible world. The intention is to perform a phenomenological analysis describing the meanings given to the conflict from which the reality is interpreted and which drive behaviour. From this analytical exercise it was possible to capture some signals that indicate changes in the meanings granted to the Agreement for peace, from a preconceived project to a series of real acts, an object of phenomenal analysis which gives rise to the question of peace as an opening of social experience. Therefore, rather than closed positions, some considerations are presented as reflections about peace as the thematic horizon of Colombian society, not so much in its knowledge but in its existence.
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