Dialectic of memory. Between a yesterday that no pre-written and a future that is not written
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This article presents the results of a research project conducted with victims of extrajudicial executions making an analysis from the unfairness of memory. In Colombia, such unfairness has been reproduced in the different periods of transitional justice, between the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries through the binomial amnesia-amnesty, imposing a model of political peace and monopolizing memory. In keeping with this argument, I allow myself to propose, from a dialectical perspective, an approach of justice from the memory of injustice, from the historical uniqueness of each victimization, damage, and historical responsibility. This analysis takes place from different points of reference in which the social frameworks of memory–time–the subject of memory–space are altered by victimizations. Therefore, the four analytical points of analysis would be temporality of memory, distortion of history, physical death, and hermeneutical death, and the uses of memory. All these as premises of justice ontologically founded in the memory of injustice
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