Paragonimus Mexicanus (Digenea: Troglotrematidae) de Valle de Pérdidas, Urrao, Antioquia
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This review establishing the specific status of Paragonimus sp. Form Valle de Pérdidas by comparing morphological of metacercariae and adult stages whit Paragonimus caliensis from Valle del Cauca Colombia, and P. mexicanus from Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela described in the literature. Identification conflicts are due to the wide morphological variation in the reproductive system (ovary and testis) and the finding of free and encysted metacercariae in the same host (Velez et al, 2003). The digenean from Valle de Pérdidas was identified as P. mexicanus based on geographical distribution, wide intraspecific variation in the shape and size of ovary and testes, and the fact that excyst metacercariae have a morphology like the described for P. mexicanus free metacercariae. This study also proposes the synonyms between P. mexicanus and P. caliensis based on intraspecific variation of adults and a possible polymorphism in the metacercariae cyst, since the morphology of the ovary and testes as well as the eventual formation of cysts in metacercariae were criteria for considering P. caliensis a new species.
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