Information for authors
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We recommend to read the section Acerca de la revista to consult its policies, as well as regulations regarding authors. Authors need to register in the magazine in order to submit articles. If they are already registered, they could just identify themselves and begin the 5- steps process.
Revista de Ciencias has a brief manual available for the authors interested in publishing articles with us for the correct use of the platform OJS (Open Journal Systems). Please enter the following link and follow the instructions we provide according to what you want to do:
Below, you will find a template in PDF format (1) in which all the requirements are specified for the sections and subsections for the selection of articles to be publish in the Revista de
Ciencias. In the same manner, the instructions for writing the articles are presented consecutively as a text (2):
(1) Template regarding the requirements for the selection of articles (Revista de Ciencias)
(2) Instructions for Writing Articles
The Revista de Ciencias follows the Vancouver style for quotations and references.
Inside the article, they are enumerated in a consecutive manner and are written as a supper- index with an Arabic number in parenthesis.
In general terms, the elements that are part of the references are: name of author(s), title of the article, name of publication and or publishing house, place and date of publication and number
of pages it has.
Bibliographic References:
Only the references that have been quoted will be included at the end of the article.
The list of references should be numerated in the same order as they appear in the article.
In general terms, the elements that are part of the references are: name of author(s), title of the article, name of publication and or publishing house, place and date of publication and number of pages it has.
School of Natural and Exact Sciences
Universidad del Valle
Title of the article in Spanish
(Centered, Times New Roman, 11 points, bold letters – it should describe the topic of the article in a concise manner)
Author’s complete name 1 Author’s complete name 2
Name of institution Name of institution
(10 pts. bold and normal)
Received: mm,aa Acepted: mm,aa (10 points)
Abstract (9 points, bold letters)
A maximum of 200 words is recommended, written in third person, indicating the main topic and the objective of the article, referring to the introduction, mentioning the importance of the topic, the contribution it makes, methods, results, and conclusion. Exclude equations, tables, references, and the like (9 points).
Keywords: words or phrases that are representative or normalized that would facilitate the search of the topic of the article (9 points, bold and normal letters).
(DOI: managed directly by the magazine during the publication process (9 points, bold, and normal letters).
Title of the Article in English
Abstract (9 points, bold letters)
It is a strict translation of the abstract from Spanish into English.
A maximum of 200 words is recommended, written in third person, indicating the main topic and the objective of the article, referring to the introduction, mentioning the importance of the topic, the contribution it makes, methods, results, and conclusion. Exclude equations, tables, references, and the like (9 points).
Take into consideration its importance for the following reasons:
1. For the editors it indicates its affinity with editorial policy
2. In the evaluation it facilitates the judges the topic identification
3. In the data base it facilitates the classification and visibility of the document
4. For the readers, it makes searching for information easier and faster
(9 points)
Key words: representative or normalized words or phrases that facilitate searching for the article topic
(9 pt, normal)
1. Introduction (10 points, bold letters)
Its main purpose is to present the importance, orientation, contribution to the treated topic, mentioning the origin, background, objectives, significance, as well as its scope, limitations, and methodology employed. Begin the numeration of the subtitles in the document, written in initial capital letter. (10 points).
2. Chapters titles and texts (10 points, bold letters)
As mayor divisions of the article, they are preceded by the consecutive numeration inside the article, they have a title, indicating its contents. Titles and subtitles are written without a final punctuation mark.
2.1 Chapters sub-chapters and text (10 points, bold letters)
As secondary divisions in the article, they have a title indicating the contents. The main numeration corresponds to the chapter and the secondary one to the subtitle and it is consecutive inside the chapter, separating the digits by a point mark.
Acknowledgements (10 points, bold letters)
The author(s) expresses his/her acknowledgement to the persons or institutions who collaborated in the research with academic or economic aid.
Quotations and Bibliographic References (10 points, bold letters)
Following the Vancouver reference and bibliographic quotations, it identifies the documental sources and the numeration is inserted in a consecutive manner in the order of appearance in the article, using Arabic numeration between parenthesis in the supper index (1). The elements identifying sources must be verifiable.
There are reference formats according to the different bibliographic sources, being the most common ones those of books and magazines.
Periodic Publication Reference
*Magazine Article
1. Name of the author. Title of the article. Magazine international abbreviation. Year of publication; volume (number): initial-last page of the article. DOI.
1. Montaño OA. Lower Cota of the First Proper Value of the Steklov’s Problem in the Eucledian Space. Rev.Cienc. 2013; 17(2):95-103. DOI:10.25100/rc.v17i2.488.
The author’s name is written as follows: last name with capital initial followed by the initials of the first name (without a coma or any punctuation mark to separate them). When there are more than six authors, the first six are written separated by a coma (,) followed by the expression et al.
* Magazine article in Internet
1. Author(s). Title of the article. Name of magazine [support] year (consultation date); Volume (number): (number of pages). Available in:
Referencia de publicación no periódica
* Parte de una publicación no periódica.
1. Autor(es) del capítulo. Título del capítulo. En *: Director-Coordinador-Editor del libro. Título del libro. Edición. Lugar de publicación: Editorial. año. Página inicial y final del capítulo.
Non-periodic publication reference
* Part of a non-periodic publication
1. Chapter author(s). Chapter title. In: Book Director-Coordinator-Editor. Book title. Edition. Place of publication. Editorial. Year. Initial and final chapter page.
* Scientific or technical report
1. Author(s). Report title. Place of publication. Organization or editorial agency; year. Number or marking serial of the report.
* Research report on a congress
1. Author(s) of the research paper. Title. In: Congress title. Place of publication: Editorial; year. Research paper initial and final page.
* Doctoral Thesis
1. Author(s). Thesis title [Doctoral Thesis]. Place of edition: Editorial; year. Initial and final page of the quoted text.
* Newspaper Article
1. Author(s) of the article (if appears). Article title. Name of newspaper (complete). Year month day; section – page (column).
* Laws
1. Law title (Name of official bulletin, date, year of publication).
Authors address
Author name
Place of work, academic area
E-mail address
Author name
Place of work, academic area
E-mail address
General instructions for the presentation
The articles written for Science Magazine most be prepared in Microsoft Word, including articles in areas such as mathematics and physics. In this case, the PDF files with the Vancouver quotation and reference regulation, according to the detailed instructions given at the beginning and taking into consideration the following indications:
Presentation of illustrations
The illustrations or supports contained in the article, should generally be included as an independent file in a carpet, preferable in original format and JPG (minimum 300 DPI); numbered independently and consecutively according to its location on the text.
The illustrations or supports from external sources different from the authors or published papers require quotation and reference.
Title of illustrations or supports: begin with the type of illustration, example: Table, Chart, Figure (written with initial capital letter) followed by an Arabic consecutive number inside the article, separated from a brief title by punctuation mark (.) centered on the upper part for charts and tables, but on the lower part for figures (graphics, drawings, planes, photographs, maps, diagrams or schemes).
Presentation of equations and formulas
The articles are presented in Word including the equations and formulas. They are written centered with double space at the beginning and at the end, with consecutive numeration inside the article written at the right-side margin with Arabic numbers in parenthesis, when these are required to be quoted in the article.
Presentation of definitions, observations, examples, propositions, corollaries, lemmas, and theorems.
The required expression begins the paragraph, written in bold letters followed by a numeration that indicates the chapter separated by punctuation mark (.) from the consecutive number in a general way within the different expressions inside the chapter.
Foot notes
Whenever it is justified to write text clarification foot notes on part of the author, translator or editor, it should be done on the lower portion of the page with consecutive numeration inside the article (8 points).
The Science Magazine of the Universidad del Valle is published under a liscence: Atribución – Compartir igual 4.0 Internacional (CC BY SA 4.0).
Magazine general format
The printed version of Science Magazine is 17 cm wide x 24 cm high. The text box is 12,5 cm wide x 20 cm high with margins.
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