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Summary: In the
present article a revision about one of the branches of the maxillofacial surgery, the orthognathic
surgery is made, which must like main objective complementarily handle from the surgical point of
view the dentofaciale deformity and some congenital facial deformities. The ortognathic surgery can
be considered as the most important branch of maxillofacial surgery and within the multiple the most
made procedures is: maxilla lefort I osteotomy and bilateral sagittal split osteotomy. Thus a brief
historical count is made of these two procedures as well as its indications and main complications.
Key words: Ortognathic surgery. Dentofaciale deformity. Maxilla lefort I osteotomy. Bilateral
sagittal split osteotomy.

Miguel Evelio León, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Profesor. Escuela de Odontología.

Ericka Lozano, Universidad el Bosque. Bogotá, Colombia.

Residente Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial.

Sandra Moreno, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Jove Investigadora e Innovadora COLCIENCIAS 2005-2006

León, M. E., Lozano, E., & Moreno, S. (2006). Orthognatic surgery: a review. Revista Estomatología, 14(2).


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