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Mucositis is a pathology characterized by inflammation, pain, and ulceration of the oral mucous membrane which often occurs as a side effect of chemotherapy and radiation treatments. By means of the following literature review we would like to update dentists on the concept, the diagnosis, and the management of oral mucositis as well as on itsclinical components, different modalities, and systemic compromise in an attempt to allow the practitioner to perform an individually and specifically ideal treatment for each patient. We also seek to determine the pathogenesis of the disease, its related variables, and its prevalence of cases in patients with cancer.

Angélica Pabón, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Estudiante Postgrado Odontopediatría y Ortopedia Maxilar, Escuela de Odontología.

Sandra Camacho, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Estudiante Postgrado Odontopediatría y Ortopedia Maxilar, Escuela de Odontología

Pabón, A., & Camacho, S. (2012). Mucositis, a common complication in patiens with oncology tratment: Literature review. Revista Estomatología, 20(1), 39–44.
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