Description of facial symmetry in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate using geometric morphometry and computerized tomography
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Objective: To describe the maxillary asymmetry in patients with single cleft lip and palate by using morphometrics geometric methods.
Materials and Methods: Applied morphometrics geometric methods to analyze images captured from 3D reconstructions of CT scans of 9 patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate, mean age of 13.7 years was used. Tps Dig2 software was used to digitalize 6 maxillary landmarks shaping both the affected and the sides unaffected. TpsPower and TpsPLS to a small sample for relative warps and consensus for superimposition. Thin plate function and asymmetry was used applying ASI-CLIC® package, and the principal component analysis was performed with the PAST software version 2.17.0.
Results: There is a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) between the conformation of the maxilla on the affected side compared to unaffected. The study of asymmetry indicated different degrees and differences in the nature of the asymmetry that characterizes different deformities of unilateral cleft lip and palate. The principal component analysis demonstrates both inter-group variability and recognizes two principal components, 39.4%, to the first component and 27.5% to the second component. There is a high correlation between the formation of the unaffected side and affected side conformation r= 0.93847. The thin plate deformation is uniform. The allometry study indicated that there is no association between the shape and size.
Conclusions: Morphometry Geometric method is a useful tool for assessing preoperative maxillary conformations in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate. The side without the cleft is also affected, and is associated with the formation on the side of the cleft. The frontonasal suture is also affected, in a greater proportion than the fronto zigomatic.
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