Factors related to the donation of blood in students of dentistry of a university in Cali, Colombia 2017
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Background: The different uses given by the medicine to the donated blood and its derivatives have made their demand increase, but in turn it has been demonstrating the increase in the gap that exists between
the donation of blood and the requirement of this.
Objective: to identify the attitudinal, social, economic, religious and cultural factors related to the intention to donate blood in a population in Cali, Colombia.
Materials and methods: A descriptive observational study was carried out in a sample of 197 students from the School of Dentistry of the Universidad del Valle. The information was collected through the application of a survey. The variables collected in the study were age, sex, semester, positive and negative factors at the
time of donation. A univariate analysis was performed.
Results: It was found that 74.8% of the total sample had not donated blood previously and 25.2% had donated blood; Of these, 7.6% had donated in the last year, 90.1% of the total population surveyed would
be willing to donate blood in the future. Among the factors that influence negatively were mistrust of sterility of the instruments (65%), the donation had a lucrative purpose (40%).
Conclusions: The results found indicate that in this population there is a low frequency of donation. Many of the respondents said that it would be helpful to receive more information and education about it.
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