Conteúdo do artigo principal


Summary: The purpose of
this article is to present a review of different investigation approaches to evaluate the
biocompatibility of dental materials. A search was conducted among the investigators in this field
in order to define the test methods applied to evaluate dental materials. The described stages for
each test are found in the literature used to evaluate the biocompatibility of different materials
used in dental practice. At the end of this review it can be concluded that compliance with research
protocols and results obtained on biocompatibility of these studies provide confidence for the use
of various dental materials. Key words: Dental materials. Biocompatiblity. Citotoxicity. Dental

Ángela Villegas, Universidad Santiago de Cali. Cali, Colombia.

Estudiante Postgrado de Biomateriales, Operatoria y Estética.

Everaldo Naranjo, Universidad Santiago de Cali. Cali, Colombia.

Estudiante Postgrado de Biomateriales, Operatoria y Estética.

Diana Gómez, Universidad Santiago de Cali. Cali, Colombia.

Estudiante Postgrado de Biomateriales, Operatoria y Estética.

Villegas, Ángela, Naranjo, E., & Gómez, D. (2008). Tests of biocompatibility for dental materials. Review of the literature. Revista Estomatología, 16(2).


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