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The study of disaster risk and its management is a fundamental component for the sustainable development of a society, since it addresses environmental problems in the territory and the conditions that give rise to its materialization. They are highly linked not only to the analysis of natural phenomena that can become a threat or danger, but also to the ability to analyze the factors that determine the adaptation of man to his environment, including the reduction of conditions vulnerability of the communities exposed to such phenomena.

A comprehensive review of the literature on the theoretical and conceptual component of disaster risk is presented, which is essential to understand how they arise and behave, since conceptual clarity is the basis of all research. This is because, considering the impact that disasters have on every society, their precise understanding is a priority. Based on this review, the evolution of the concept of disaster risk over time is presented and a definition is provided, as well as the understanding of disaster risk from a new approach, risk as a dynamic and autopoietic system.

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