Temporal analysis of vegetation indices as subsidy for estimating above-ground biomass in CLFi
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Climate change, its consequences and alternatives to minimize its effects are among the most debated topics today. The Crop-Livestock-Forest integration systems (CLFi) appear as an alternative in the conception of Sustainable Agriculture. For the management of CLFi, remote sensing has been shown to be an option. In this study, conducted in an experimental area of iLPF, in Pinhais, PR, analyzing the variability of vegetation indices (NDVI, sPRI and CO2flux) between February and September 2021, using PlanetScope images, at two levels of analysis: pixel and treatment. At the pixel level, the results indicated a slight downward trend in the NDVI; stabilization of CO2flux values; and slight increase in sPRI. While, for the treatment level, the NDVI and sPRI trends were maintained; for CO2flux, a drop in values was observed. Using the ANOVA test, it was shown that there was no variation between the indices for the different treatments. A climatic variable – precipitation – was also analyzed in its performance on the indices. By multiple linear regression, the pixel level values related to the forest inventory biomass values, as a subsidy for the aboveground biomass estimation, showed null to weak relationships.
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