Susceptibility to floods from the morphometric variables in the hydrographic region Eliezer Silva - high course of the river patience
Floods; morphometry; paciência’s river basin.
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The article studies the sucetibility to flooding in the river basin district, located in the alto Eliezer course Paciência’s River basin, this in turn located in São Luís, State of Maranhão. Objective to analyze the flood in sucetibilidade River basin district Eliezer Silva from the morphometric variables in order to provide benefits to the competent bodies for the management of the river basin district. This perspective provides a brief rescue about the importance of water for basic activities of human beings and the establishment of dwellings close to water courses since the beginning of time by humans as well as the establishment of dwellings close to water courses since the beginning of time by humans as well as the changes in the landscape as a result of this process, also features the differentiation of floods and floods, and the importance of the morphometric variables for determining the flood sucetibilidade. Uses as methodology for the achievement of objectives: bibliographic survey and mapping; The article studies the sucetibilidade to flooding in the river basin district, located in the alto Eliezer course Paciência’s River basin, this in turn located in São Luís, State of Maranhão.
Mouzinho Costa, C., Duarte da Silva, Q., dos Santos Costa, I. R., Barros, D. V., & Cruz Teixeira, E. (2017). Susceptibility to floods from the morphometric variables in the hydrographic region Eliezer Silva - high course of the river patience. Entorno Geográfico, (13), 13.
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