Armed conflict, oil palm and forest in Colombia: an exploration of space relations
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The FARC-EP, one of the most forceful armed groups outside the law, exercised a historic presence in approximately 45% of the continental area of Colombia, fighting an armed conflict for more than 50 years. From the perspective of the "Peace Agreement" and territoriality, the main purpose of this exercise is to explore and analyze the possible spatial relations between three sources of national geographic information: Historical presence of the FARC-EP in the municipalities of Colombia; Coverage of oil palm monoculture and "forest Non-forest" coverage; and to investigate how such interactions could affect the environmental future of Colombia, as well as the possible implication in the conservation and proper use of natural resources. The observation is carried out at the national level and in three specific regions of study: Orinoquía, Norte and Nariño. The observation is supported in the use of Geographical Information Systems tools.
[1] Acronym in spanish for “Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia, Ejército del Pueblo” (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, Army of Peoples).